Priestess TV Episode 21 - The Women's Mysteries with Sequoia Krop

On today’s episode of Priestess TV, Julie speaks with Sequoia Krop who shares about her work around women’s mysteries - that deep knowing that is deep within us that we may have trouble accessing. Sequoia shares why it is so important that we tap into these ancient elements of our bodies and souls to reclaim our feminine power.

Right now especially, Sequioa’s message of global sisterhood and our amazing connection to women everywhere is so important.

Sequoia Krop
Sequoa Krop is a Witch, Shamanic Craftswoman, writer, and priestess of the women’s mysteries. She is a teacher with the School of Shamanic Woman craft and holds various workshops for women on honouring, cycles, menstruation, magick, drum making and Red Tents. She offers woman-centered healing, workshops and rituals in her community and has run Red Tents and presented workshops, talks and rituals at various conferences and festivals around Australia. She lives with her family in the Byron Shire and works in service to women and the goddess, and is dedicated to the sisterhood and the vision of living the healed feminine.


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Thank you for being with us for this episode of Priestess TV!

Sora Schilling