Priestess TV Episode 7: Making the Priestess Path Your Own with Sora
On episode 7 of Priestess TV, Sora Surya No talks through making the Priestess Path your own.
How boring would it be if we all Priestessed the same way? While you may seek guidance and fellowship from other priestesses or guides, the Priestess Path is an internal journey, as unique to you as a fingerprint.
Watch and listen as Sora walks through the confusion of priestessing the ‘right’ way and provides practical tips on making the Priestess Path your own intimate experience.
1:15 Do these things resonate with you?
2:30- Everything you’re doing is perfect
3:37- Mother Nature’s stone
4:27- Asking yourself questions
It is so easy to compare yourself to others in life to gauge how well you are doing, but this is a disservice to yourself, sisters! Each sister is an individual, independent and unique from anyone else, and so is her Priestess Path!
We would love to keep the conversation going with you on Instagram. Please take a screenshot of this image and please share your response to the questions below.
Have you struggled with making the Priestess Path your own?
Have you gotten lost in trying to find the ‘right’ way to Priestess?
What questions are you left with?
Now if you loved the episode, we invite you to subscribe to Priestess TV. And if you would like to deepen your Priestess path further, please join us at where you can undertake a beautiful and soulful journey of your own as a Priestess, with both Sora and Julie as your guides.
Thank you for being with us for this episode of Priestess TV!