Priestess TV Episode 9: Sensitive Magic with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith
On this week’s episode of Priestess TV we talk sensitive magic with Katherine Mackenzie-Smith, a self-help guru, business coach, and Energy and Soul Medicine Practitioner.
Fully stepping into your power and the power of your business can be difficult for any sister, and especially for sisters with sensitive souls.
Watch this episode to learn from Katherine’s experience of leading as a business womxn with a sensitive soul, and how to make that sensitivity a strength rather than a setback.
0:35- Introducing Katherine
1:26- Intuitive Leader
4:40- Recent Guidance
7:45- Self- Responsibility
10:50- Example of being in Victim-hood
16:15- Boundaries vs walls
Being sensitive within yourself, to your surroundings, and to others can make it hard to view yourself as a leader in the business world and to manage all the responsibilities of leading a business.
We would love to keep the conversation going with you on Instagram. Please take a screenshot of this image and please share your response to the questions below.
Are you a business womxn with a sensitive soul?
What difficulties have you experienced
How did you overcome them?
Katherine Mackenzie-Smith supports quiet, sensitive souls to step into their power and step up as intuitive leaders doing important work in the world. Named by Elle Magazine as a 'self help guru', Katherine is a business and leadership coach, writer, speaker, and Energy and Soul Medicine Practitioner on a mission to make sure introverts, empaths and highly sensitive people understand their energy better and find success on their own terms.
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Thank you for being with us for this episode of Priestess TV!