Priestess TV Episode 31 - How do you navigate the real world as a Priestess?

Today we have a viewer’s question from Sharyn. Sharyn asks, “how do you navigate the real world as a Priestess when sh*#! hits the fan, and you need to sit in the eye of a storm?” 

Julie shares with you two tips on how to navigate your life as a Priestess with grace and ease. Her guidance is thoughtful and juicy, so please make sure you listen all the way through. 

Journal Reflections:

  • How do you think a Priestess connects with the world? 

  • What does a Priestess look like? 

  • What assumptions are you making about Priestesses? 

  • Are you feeling the full spectrum of emotions, or are you holding back?

We hope this episode, with Julie’s guidance, has you come back to yourself - with sovereignty, courage, and profound wisdom. 

For those in our community that is currently feeling the storm brewing…

May you feel it all
May you embrace the teaching
May you be true to yourself
May you find yourself in integrity

Shine on Priestess!

Loving Invitation

Head on over to @PriestessTempleSchool on Instagram and tell us what you learned. Then please share this video with at least 3 soul friends because sharing can feel so good!

If you haven’t already - subscribe to our YouTube Channel to become a special insider of Priestess Temple School, we will share exclusive offers, information, and inspirations unavailable anywhere else. 

Sora Schilling